Code of Conduct
The community at Witches Healing the Earth expects respectful dialogue between members. Should you choose to become a member to have access to the Forum, file downloads, and events, you agree to abide by this code of conduct.
When posting in the Forum, post in love and respect of the earth. We want to create a welcoming and uplifting environment. Let's treat everyone with respect, courtesy, and kindness.
Engage in respectful discussion. Political discussions are okay if they are respectful and relevant.
No promotions or spam. Please do not use this space to advertise your business, your products, or other groups that are irrelevant to the cause. If you run a heart-centered business and would like to be featured on Witches Healing the Earth, please connect with an admin and we will discuss ways to become a sponsor. Give more than you take to this community. Self-promotion, spam, and irrelevant links are not allowed.
No hate speech or bullying. Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be allowed.
No passive-aggressive behavior. If you are feeling a wound activated by something someone said, be open and honest about it. Internal healing is important as well in this work. We are all in this together.
Operate under consent. Do not petition healing for another person without their consent. While all our paths are different, and witches work in a variety of ways, consent and ethics are crucial.
Respect everyone's privacy. Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make communities great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the members-only area stays in the members-only area.
Do not share members-only materials with others. The members-only area is screened and members are approved. The content behind the members-only wall is intended to stay members-only.
Witches Healing the Earth allows hexing, with certain conditions. We do not allow hexing of people. If you are an experienced practitioner who understands the safe way to hex, we condone hexing of oppressive systems and toxic ethos, such as hexing of "white supremacy," "toxic patriarchy," or "systemic racism." We do not condone hexing of people. If you choose to engage in that, please do it separate from your work with Witches Healing the Earth. If you are an inexperienced witch or one who does not understand the safety precautions needed during hexwork, please refrain from hexing all together.
Give credit where it is due. If you upload a document or file to the File Share that is not of your own creation, please cite your source and credit the creator. Please do not share documents that were intended for a specific audience, such as paid content or newsletter sign-up "freebies" given by business owners of heart-centered or spiritual businesses without the written express consent of the creator.
Plagiarism is forbidden. Members are allowed to share their creations and download creations of others from the File Share. These are for personal use only, and not meant to be distributed to others, unless you are the original creator. Any witch found to be violating this will be immediately banned from the site, and depending on severity, legal action may be taken.
Please understand that the Code of Conduct may evolve over time, so please check back regularly to familiarize yourself with what is expected of you.