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Connecting with Your Spirit Ally/Allies for Your Work with Witches Healing the Earth

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

As a witch, you most likely have at least one patron deity or one spiritual ally you work with and have developed a relationship with. Partnering with them for your work healing the earth and humanity is another way to deepen that relationship.

This weekend, during the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 5, I encourage you to sit with your spirit team and ask them how you can work with them to heal the earth and humanity.

As I am part Japanese, one of my patron deities is Amaterasu Omikami, the Japanese kami of the sun. I also align extremely closely with two other Japanese deities: Kannon-sama (Kanzeon Bosatsu), the Bosatsu of Compassion (known in other regions as Guanyin and Avalokitesvara) and Jizo, the Bosatsu of the earth, all those trapped in hell, and the guardian of the souls of children who have died.

Both Amaterasu and Kannon are associated with horses, which also happens to be my soul animal. Reciprocating the partnership, compassion, power, and care they bestow to me in my life as well as my work with Witches Healing the Earth, I adopted a Przewalski's horse from World Wildlife Fund in their honor. This animal "was designated as extinct in the wild, but captive breeding programs have reintroduced the horse in Mongolia."+

Kannon and Jizo are both associated with the care of children, and the care of children who have died. Caring for children is a cause that is one of the most important to me, and my family and I sponsor two beautiful children through World Vision; the first is a young boy named Thyrone from the Philippines and the second is a little girl named Fathima from Sri Lanka. I also work with a group in my state who are looking to find temporary foster homes for children who are being held at the US border in cages.

These are just a few examples of real-world actions you can take to honor your spirit allies as you partner with them for the work we do at Witches Healing the Earth. Some actions may be cleaning up local springs and beaches if you align with a water goddess, or working on petitions and social change if you work closely with a god of justice, just as examples.

Connect with your spirit team this weekend and ask them what actions they would have you take to help heal earth and humanity.

+Source: World Wildlife Fund,


Charlie Nichols is the founder of WHE and a staff contributor. Charlie studied Journalism & Mass Communication, Marketing, and Psychology at Madison College in Madison, Wisconsin. She has practiced witchcraft for over two decades and is a certified spiritual empowerment coach, a certified ethical psychic, and a certified crystal healer. Charlie lives on the shores of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, USA with her partner, daughter, and animal companions.

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