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How to Live as a Peaceful Warrior

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Want to change the world, but don't know where to begin? Start by becoming the best version of yourself; walk the way of the Peaceful Warrior:

  1. Don't look for a fight or create them when there are none. This includes creating unnecessary conflict within oneself. A true warrior conserves their energy for when it is actually needed most. Do not relive the past or worry about the future when doing so is no longer productive for your personal growth.

  2. Combine personal confidence with a healthy dose of humility. Recognize that every single thing in your life can be a teacher that provides you with wisdom and growth.

  3. Be tenacious. Keep trying. Get up. Work hard. Fail. Stand back up and try again. Do a little better. Repeat.

  4. Have a solid plan of attack. Whatever task or challenge you are facing, take time to break it down into realistic, measurable, doable steps. This will help you have clarity on exactly how to get things done, and also give you a motivating sense of accomplishment every time you complete a small step toward your goal.

  5. Only look to your past when it is productive and healing to do so. Warriors don't spent time ruminating or guilt-tripping themselves over things that are already dead and gone. They look to their past for what lessons are to be learned, then focus on using that wisdom to be their best selves in the present moment.

  6. No excuses. Warriors don't make excuses for their behavior or their life. They accept responsibility for their choices and their reactions to the fates and the choices of others.

  7. Remember that you are always a student. Every. Single. Thing. Is a learning opportunity for wisdom, improvement, and growth.

  8. Be disciplined. When you set out to do something, stick to it, even on the days that it is boring, daunting, or just plain hard. Coming up with reasons why you can't? See "No excuses" above. :)

  9. Don't waste your words. Warriors know that words are a powerful tool when used correctly. Choose your words carefully, and think before you speak. Simple, forthright communication is one of the rawest forms of power and purity.

  10. Make yourself strong first. Warriors know that they must work on themselves in order to fight for others. Take time to care for yourself, body and soul.

  11. Eat, exercise, and sleep healthy. In order for a warrior to be at their best when they are needed most, they must keep their body and mind well cared-for each day. Getting proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise will set you up for success in whatever battles come your way.

  12. Be a master of your mind. Warriors know that the mind must be trained, just like the muscles in the body. Teach your mind to focus, single-task, be present in the moment, and stop destructive thought patterns in their tracks.

  13. Have strong boundaries. Warriors know not to spread themselves too thin. They focus on what is most important to achieve victory. Be fearless in saying "no" where you need to.

  14. Value community and camaraderie. Warriors understand that many battles cannot be fought without the help of an army. It takes a team of people working together to win the war. They see the beauty in their fellow humans and value the support, friendship, love, and effort that can be shared to make a workload light.

  15. Speak up for what is right. Warriors don't hide in the shadows when injustice is being done. Stand up, speak up, and help bring the light of justice to this world.

  16. Boldly face your fears. Warriors do not run from pain. They do not run from darkness. They face it, with their head held high, ready to lead themselves and others into greater times of peace and light. When you are afraid, look your fear in the eye. See it, respect it, ask it what it has to teach you. Then move right through it.

  17. Don't complain. Warriors accept reality for what it is, as full acceptance of even unpalatable truths lead to progress and growth. They fix what they can fix, and deal with what they can't by getting help from fellow warriors where they can.

  18. Remember that life is complex. Warriors know that life is messy, mysterious, and awe-inspiring. They know there will be setbacks, there will be re-routes, there will be losses, failures, and pain. They see the opportunity in all things, and recognize that life is a journey full of ups, downs, and beautiful twists and turns.

Blessings, fellow warriors. It is an honor to walk this path with you.


Aine A. Holly is a staff contributor at WHE. She is a druid and member of the Order of the Bards, Ovates and Druids in the Bardic grade. She has been a practicing witch for 14 years and is a certified crystal healer. Aine lives with her family in the beautiful state of Texas, surrounded by southern wildlife.

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