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The Realms of Witches Healing the Earth

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

When Witches Healing the Earth was founded in 2019, it started as a small Facebook group. We've grown to hundreds of witches since, some very active and some in more supportive roles.

An early point of consideration within the group was how certain action and help should be handled, and the direction people wanted Witches Healing the Earth to take. Some witches felt that operating in a space of love and healing was necessary for the greater good, while others felt called to channel their righteous anger toward systemic oppression and crimes against humanity into destructive magick.

We recognize there is a balance to be struck here, so I've structured Witches Healing the Earth into five committees, or "Realms," based on the five elements, where each witch's magick is honored, accepted, and needed. Those who feel more called to operate from a space of love and light are seen just as necessary and powerful as those who feel called to operate from a space of channeled anger and frustration.

I have written five posts outlining the more intricate details and responsibilities of each Realm. I encourage you to join one or two Realms if you feel called, as Witches Healing the Earth is and was always intended to be a community-based organization. The vision that exists for the work Witches Healing the Earth can do is not able to be done as a solitary individual. "It takes a village" is the mindset here, as we need all hands on deck--or ... all witches on their broomsticks. 😁

Below, I've outlined high-level descriptions of each of the Five Realms. You can click on each to be taken to the page where you can find more information about what the Realm's focuses are and what volunteer positions are available within that Realm.


The focus of the Earth Realm is earth itself. Those who are called to join this Realm of Witches Healing the Earth will be focused on ecological and environmental concerns, including animal and wildlife. This branch is for the witches who are environmental activists and celebrate Arbor Day and Earth Day like another sabbat. While magick is encouraged in this Realm, the primary focus of the Earth Realm is on practical environmental action, researched ecological information, and dissemination of information regarding the environment.

If you join the Earth Realm, you may find yourself writing about the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest, or creating infographics of the environmental price on mining crystals. The focus here is all about the beautiful planet we all call Home.


The Air Realm is responsible for the brainy, intellectual stuff. Innovation, invention, and intellect rule this Realm. The team of editors for Witches Healing the Earth are all part of the Air Realm, for instance.

If you join the Air Realm, you can expect to be reporting objectively on current events with facts, data, and logic (where are my Virgos?!) as well as fact-checking the work of the other Realms and guest contributors. Articles on renewable and sustainable energies and technology will also be written by this branch of Witches Healing the Earth and the Air Realm will also oversee reporting on Witches Healing the Earth events, such as synchronized rituals and participation in protests.


The people I mentioned earlier who want to channel their righteous anger will find their home in the Fire Realm, where action and mobilization are the goal. Focused specifically on humanitarian causes, this Realm is responsible for organizing and mobilizing in the real world via protests, demonstrations, and rallies. They are also responsible for writing about practical actions that people can take to aid in humanitarian relief measures, such as providing resources on temporary foster care for refugees, sponsoring children in war-ravaged nations, or other action-oriented humanitarian work.

If you join the Fire Realm, you can expect to be organizing events for Witches Healing the Earth and being an active participant in human rights rallies across the globe, circulating petitions, and writing to lawmakers and being involved heavily in the sociopolitical landscape.


I mentioned earlier that there are people would rather focus on love and healing, and the Water Realm is where they will feel most at home. The Water Realm focuses on healing and compassion and moving forward through love and understanding. They partner closely with the Spirit Realm in organizing mass meditations.

If you join the Water Realm, you can expect to be involved in organizing and facilitating mass mediation events and mass healing events. The focus here is on holding space and anchoring love and compassion into the earth for widespread healing and a positive shift in the collective consciousness of the planet. Lightworkers may naturally find their home here.


This Realm is focused on the magickal aspects of Witches Healing the Earth, both as a supportive role and as a leadership role. The Spirit Realm is responsible for writing and publishing rituals and spells that can be used by members of Witches Healing the Earth in our collective rituals. They are also responsible for magickal community outreach and partnering with pagan and witch entrepreneurs to gather support and sponsors from our wider community. The Spirit Realm also supports other Realms by writing spells, rituals, and chants as well as by offering protective magick and raising energy.

Most witches gravitate toward the Spirit Realm as their second active Realm, since its focus is entirely on the magickal community and on working magick. If you choose to join the Spirit Realm, you can expect to be working mass group magickal workings, offering protection to the other Realms, and crafting spells, rituals, and chants for events hosted by the other Realms.


If you are interested in further detail in any of the Realms, click the links above for more detailed views of duties and responsibilities.

If you would like to become an active member of Witches Healing the Earth and join a Realm, please connect with us in our Facebook group, as that is currently our primary meeting place.


Charlie Nichols is the founder of WHE and a staff contributor. Charlie studied Journalism & Mass Communication, Marketing, and Psychology at Madison College in Madison, Wisconsin. She has practiced witchcraft for over two decades and is a certified spiritual empowerment coach, a certified ethical psychic, and a certified crystal healer. Charlie lives on the shores of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, USA with her partner, daughter, and animal companions.

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