The Spirit Realm is focused on the magick we perform at Witches Healing the Earth and the spiritual side of our community. The Spirit Realm focuses heavily on organizing mass meditations, mass rituals, and synchronized magickal workings. They also write and publish rituals, spells, chants, etc. and add magickal touches to some of the more practical and mundane work other Realms do, such as offering a small ritual to the Earth Realm for an Arbor Day tree-planting event or providing an empowered chant to the Fire Realm for an upcoming demonstration.
The Spirit Realm works very closely with all other Realms within Witches Healing the Earth.
Duties & Responsibilities
The Spirit Realm is focused on the spiritual and magickal aspects of what we do. The responsibilities of the Spirit Realm are:
Working with the Water Realm on organization of regular mass meditation events.
Working with the Water Realm on organization of mass healing events.
Writing and publishing rituals, spells, and magickal workings to the website (must be reviewed and approved by the Air Realm first).
Offering protection and magickal assistance to the Fire Realm during demonstrations, protests, etc.
Magickally empowering the work other Realms do, such as empowering or blessing a letter written by the Air Realm to a legislator before it is sent.
Working with the Earth Realm to include small rituals for earth-based holidays, observances, and events.
Working with the Water Realm on pagan and witch community outreach and finding sponsors for Witches Healing the Earth.

Recent Spirit Realm Posts